One of the Top Suppliers of Narrow Fabrics
in QC, Canada
The products we develop at Varitrim Textiles are components of the clothing and footwear industry and other products worldwide. Thanks to more than 25 years of manufacturing narrow fabrics in Montreal, QC, our prompt deliveries are the essence of our customer’s needs.

We are dedicated to meeting client expectations with the highest quality trimmings and similar products. We have built our company’s competitive edge by solidifying our position as the supplier of choice for knitted and woven elastics for the clothing and footwear manufacturers and similar producers. Varitrim Textiles Inc. is committed to maintaining excellence by adapting and adjusting to changes within the industry and the ever-changing business landscape.
We shall continue to progress through R&D initiatives, plant innovations, and unwavering commitment to stand apart from our competition. Our continued responsiveness to market conditions, combined with our passion to be the best, has not only forged our mission, but it also serves to demonstrate who we are as a company.
That dedication, coupled with customer service and pricing, allowed us to grow substantially and gain the respect of our loyal customers.
Our goal is to continually improve the manufacturing of all our products that we create by using quality control systems that focus on the following:
- Proper Planning and Production Schedules
- Increasing Quality by Sourcing Reliable Raw Material Suppliers
- Timely Order Completion Dates